We love you Sporting, we do We love you Sporting, we do We love you Sporting, we do OOOOO Sporting we love you And we all love sporting Anderlecht R S C It's by far the greatest team the world has ever seen We are the super, the super sporting!!!!!!! Sporting, Sporting Sporting, Sporting Come on, come on Sporting... And when the mauves and when the mauves go marching in go marching in and when the mauves go marching in I want to be in that number and when the mauves go marching in Mauves army having a party Drinking wodca and bacardi!!! Stand up for the champions Stand up for the champions Stand up for the champions... Iedereen is bang van Anderlecht Iedereen is bang van Anderlecht Iedereen is bang, iedereen is bang, Iedereen is bang van Anderlecht!!!!!!!!!! Baseggio wohohoooooooo Baseggio wohohoooooooo... Est-ce que j'ai raison Oui tu as raison Anderlecht, Anderlecht, Anderlecht Champion Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé, Olé, We are the Champions,we are the champions... There's only one Jantje Koller, One Jantje Koller, He takes the ball, he scores the goal, He's the greatest of them all!!!!!!!!! FC bruges run away FC bruges run away Run away , run away Fc bruges run away!!!!!!... stand up if you hate bruges , stand up if you hate bruges stand up if you hate bruges... brugge BTW oléolé, brugge BTW oléolé, brugge BTW brugge BTW brugge BTW oléoléééééé bruges TVA oléolé, bruges TVA oléolé, bruges TVA bruges TVA bruges TVA oléolééééé brugge kan nie mee oléolé brugge kan nie mee oléolé brugge kan nie mee brugge kan nie mee brugge kan nie mee oléolééééé we hate fc bruges, we hate standaard to BIG SHIT we hate fc antwerp and anderlecht we love you!!! no one likes us no one likes us no one likes us we don't care we are the O-side super O-side we are the O-side we are here no it's not a dream everyone can see we are the best supporters of the best football team!... we are from the mauves army we come back to win the league and we all shake it up and we go and win the Cup we are Champions of the World you only sing when you're winning you only sing when you're winning sing when you're winning you only sing when you're winning... wij worden kampioen... wij zijn al kampioen... The hymne of R.S.C. Anderlecht Anderlecht speelt om te winnen 't is de beste ploeg van 't land krijgen wij d'r eentje binnen we scoren aan de andere kant voor Anderlecht : hand in hand de trouwste supporters van 't land \wij gaan altijd met Anderlecht mee voetbal dat is fairplay ! j'adore tes couleurs "blanc et mauve" nationales ou européennes de nouveau une partie sans problèmes c'est formidable, c'est ce qu'on aime pour Anderlecht à jamais vainqueur de tant de championnats mauve et blanc gagne chaque saison Anderlecht le champion !